Saturday, January 30, 2010

So what if I'm a caffein lover!

As my close friends already know about me, they certainly know that i'm the fan of RAPI magazine. Yeah! A magazine that already exists in Malaysia and  it quite popular among women and teenagers like me.

    p/s: I'm still teen until dis becoming August.

Maybe I don't have any other brilliant idea to talk about but dis post perhaps quite beneficial to share with. I had read this article entitled " Saya Pencinta Kafein" in Rapi, January 2010 issue. Yeah! It really suits with me as I'm the caffein lover actually. Everyday, I'll make sure that I'm taking caffein like nescafe or watever that has caffein in it.

 I really loves caffein especially NESCAFE!

This habit  didn't affect my health and my  life until I stayed at home about one and a half month because of holiday. During that period, I didn't took any nescafe or caffein contained drink as my parents didn't really allowed us to take any caffein drink.  From that period, I experienced kinda weird things happened to me. I became more nervous, always had headache and had difficulty to sleep eventhough I was really sleepy at that time. Sometimes, I was easily to feel tension and had insomnia. This condition was very bad. Maybe it just normal condition for certain people but not for me. I seeked advice from doctor and after knowing the symptoms, he told me maybe because of that caffein as I'm so addicted to it and this symptoms happened to me when I couldn't get it in a day. Now I know why my mum and dad didn't allow us to take any caffein drink. From that day, I never took any caffein drinks and I hope I can bear the wish to drink nescafe again. Huhu.

* Oh! actually I have something to attach in this post.

Simptom anda mengalami ketagihan kafein

Dos rendah:
-Peningkatan tenaga
-Seseorang itu lebih berhati-hati
-Meningkatkan kadar degupan jantung
-Peningkatan suhu badan
-Lebih banyak asid dihasilkan oleh sistem penghadaman

Dos tinggi:
-Cenderung mengalami sakit kepala
-Kurang rehat
-Mudah berdebar-debar atau cemas
-Seringkali keliru dengan persekitaran dan kerap berhalusinasi
-Kesukaran untuk melelapkan mata.

(Sumber: Majalah Rapi, Januari 2010)

Well, I think u guys can guess how far am I addicted with it..

I miss u..Oh! Nescafe!..but I miss my healthy life more..Sorry! I need to leave u..=)

p/s: It really work when I decided to leave u. Now, the symptoms do not appear anymore and I feel very "happy" without u..

I miss u..........

Maybe dis is the third time i'm writing the entry for my blog today. Well, even I'm so busy with the assignments, I'm still wanna steal just a little bit of my time to relax. Haha. That assignments really making my life busy, busy of thinking. Thinking about volcanic eruption and overpopulation on earth! Maybe there's no more topics in dis world should I think about.Thinking! Thinking! Thinking! Well~ Like it or not, I need to go through that. Frankly, I'm really jelous of my friends which return to their hometown dis weekend. After about one month here, bear my homesick feeling, still I can't be at home! sitting beside my parents, watching television (TVB drama I think), playing with my cats..and so many enjoyable things at home. Why?? I wanna be at home rite now. Well~ it's written for me to spend these becoming three days here. Even, I'm just got my allowance, I don't have any feeling of spending that money yet. Even shopping. I'm not so interested to do all of that. It's really make me sick to have the feeling of doing nothing. Don't wanna out from here and don't wanna be here! I guess it's better not to plan and just wait what will going to happen tomorrow and the days after tomorrow.

p/s: I don't like to think why I'm not at home rite now!

I miss you all!

Friday, January 29, 2010

sekadar berkongsi..

Terbaca lak satu artikel. Mungkin agak bermanfaat untuk dikongsi. Artikel ni mengenai petua untuk mencuci hati daripada Dato' Dr. Haji Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah. Here it goes..

1. Dirikan solat dan banyakkan berdoa.
2. Sentiasa berselawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
3. Sentiasa bertaubat- lakukan solat sunat taubat.
4. Membaca al-Quran setiap hari.
5. Bermaaf-maafan sesama kawan setiap hari.
6. Berpuasa.
7. Ingat tentang mati.
8. Kekalkan wuduk.
9. Belanja orang makan.
10. Sentiasa menjaga makanan yang dimakan.
11. Berkawan dengan orang miskin (menginsafi).
12. Berkawan dengan ulama.
13. Pesan pada org supaya jadi baik.
14. Jaga pancaindera, jgn dengar orang mengumpat.

Btw, sometimes as human it's quite hard for us to do all these. But at least we have the initiative to do that and InsyaAllah, it will become easier for us one day.
p/s: I like the idea of no. 9.Well frenzs, we just got our allowance rite. Feel free to spend money on me.*just kidding..instead of being too serious ..=)

sTop eNn sTarE story

This entry is credited to my friends which hardly thinking of new name for my blog. Well~ I just not happy with old name of my blog. While waiting for UITM students Kuantan which were so happy to visit our IPG, we made noise in the auditorium by thinking the best title for my blog. Frankly spoken, I always faced problem regarding this. It seemed to be easy to write an essayof 1000 words rather than giving a short title to that essay. Haha. I guessed I'm not the only person facing this problem in this world. I got many ideas of the title of my blog. Here it goes....

Fasihah: Korang, bg la cadangan pe nme yg sesuai tuk blog ak. Ase cam nk tukar name len ar. Yg pasti, name yang funky2 ckit la.
Nazihah: Ermm.. something about licious. Fasilicious.
OMG! what so girlish name.
Fasihah: Tak nak ar. Cm pempuan sgt. Tak men R licious2 ni. Ape ko ingat delicious ke??..Haha.Cow??
Nazihah: Kambing??
Fasihah: Goat??..Yeah..Perfect!
Fatihah: Chicken la..Chick!
Fasihah: Bgus idea tu! Sesuai sgt lau nk bg name blog korang.Haha!
*p/s: asl la name kteorg dkt2 je ni..~ah.Mungkin ni takdir ak hidup dengan orang yang name dekat2 nk same.Haha!
Then, sorang lagi datang menyampuk, OGY!..opppSS!..sory Ogy!..ko xleh mrh ak. Ak kn penyelamat ko mase jungle trekking ari tuh.Haha!
Ogy: Bg la nme Looking for lucky. Yeah. Ok gk nme tu tp lau  minah ni yg bg cadangan, mmg confirm kna tnye dulu asl usul nme 2.Haha.Btw, she told that lucky must be spell L.U.C.K.Y not L.A.K.I. but the meaning is L.A.K.I.* Looking For Laki. Seriously, u're crazy as always Ogy!.Haha.
Fasihah: Come on la. I wanna something simple like a few words like S.T.O.P
Nazihah, Fatihah, Ogy: Then, just give STOP la.
Fasihah: Ermm.Ok gk nme nih.Hehe!

So, I made a decision. STOP ENN STARE!.Yeah! I really felt in love with this name.
Btw, thanx to Nazihah, Fatihah, and Ogy!

*Moral values: Sometimes, we know what we want but just don't have confident to make it.