Thursday, October 15, 2009

a little girl..

a little girl is crying..
crying for her regret..
searching for her happiness..

searching for freedom..
of suffer..
she asks herself..
why so afraid to be free..
why so afraid to walk away from the darkness..
why so afraid to change..
no one could answer..
either she or me..
no one..
because she is me..
because the girl is me..
speechless..silent still..
until don't know when..


bersama geng-geng silat dan usherer drpd IPBA

we are da best!

kenangan membuat persembahan di SIPMA 2009 di Stadium Titiwangsa takkan dapat dilupakan.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

dedicated to Amalina

I'm wondering what is the meaning of friend. For me, a true friend is very very difficult to find. Don't speak too much if we could not handle this responsibility. To find a friend is so easy but to find the best actually is the problem. I used to have many friends. They will always with be us during happy time but if we felt sad or needy, where were them??. It is not fair if I judge everyone with the same perception. So far, I use to have many best friends but among all of them, I just found one of the girls which understand me a lot. Even if I always scold her but she still be with me. Only she can understand who am I actually. I love her so much. U're da best. Although she is far from me right now, I can feel she just sits beside me, willing to share my happiness and sadness. Mena! thanx a lot for being my best friend of mine. U comforts me when I'm sad and the shine of happiness shears on ur face when I'm happy.

Ketika diri mencari sinar
Secebis cahaya menerangi laluan
Adakalanya langkahku tersasar
Tersungkur di lembah kegelapan
Bagaikan terdengar bisikan rindu
Mengalun kalimah menyapa keinsafan
Kehadiranmu menyentuh kalbu
Menyala obor pengharapan

Tika ku kealpaan, kau bisikkan bicara keinsafan
Kau beri kekuatan tika aku diuji dugaan
Saat ku kehilangan keyakinan, kau nyalakan harapan
Saat ku meragukan keampunan Tuhan, kau katakan rahmatNya mengatasi segala

Menitis air mataku keharuan
Kepada sebuah pertemuan
Kehadiranmu mendamaikan hati yang dulu keresahan

Syukur sungguh di hati ini
Dikurniakan teman sejati
Menunjuk jalan dekatiNya
Tika diri dalam kebuntuan
Betapa aku menghargai
Kejujuran yang kau beri
Mengajar ku mengenal erti
Cinta hakiki yang abadi

Tiada yang menjadi impian
Selain rahmat kasihMu Tuhan
Yang terbias pada ketulusan
Sekeping hati seorang insan bernama teman..

p/s: I dedicate this lyric to you Mena!..u deserves 4 u so much!..again, tq 4 everything..